
TecHome Caters to a Variety of Applications, With Each Electrical Actuator Adapting to Work and Play

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Efficiency defines you. You expect every system to function precisely, and you demand maximum results at home and the office – with no time to spare for platforms that can’t accommodate your lifestyle, your work demands, or your needs. This strive for perfection is why you seek the ease of electric actuators, wanting to fuse every moment with optimal push speeds and simple designs.

TecHome thinks this is a wise decision. We know that our clients want to achieve maximum results – and, to do this, they need more than simple hydraulic systems. Electrical actuators instead provide useful options for residential, commercial, and industrial needs. The need for multiple options is why we offer a wide selection of linear products, helping consumers and companies alike discover enhanced pushing and pulling.

Established in 2005, TecHome is Australia’s leading provider of electric actuator systems. We believe that every client deserves sterling support and ACS compliant products – which is why we offer both, helping to simplify the selection process. Allow our team to assist you with all light, medium, or heavy duty needs. Contact us today to learn more.

Choosing an Electrical Actuator: Examining the Application Options

Your needs are many, and our electrical actuators accommodate them all, with our products adapting to work, play, and everything in between. We cater to a variety of applications, including:

  • Caravan and Camping Applications (sliding out of the expansion walls).
  • Ergonomic Furniture (raising desk lifts).
  • Maritime Services (raising and lowering ship masts).
  • Motorsports Applications (raising and lowering super karts during pit stops).
  • Roof Systems (opening roofs, blinds, and outdoor shutters).
  • Welding Applications (custom projects and fabrication).

Our electrical actuators promote efficiency, allowing each client to transform a variety of operations. Tailor them to home or office use with ease.

Seeking an Electric Actuator: Our Products

Since 2005 we’ve connected our clients to a variety of electrical actuator systems – adapting to light, medium, and heavy duty demands. Through precise engineering, we deliver a weight range of up to 1000kg, ensuring we quickly address every residential and office demand.

Our electrical actuators in Australia include:

  • Light Load Electric Actuators – TA2 Series, TA17 Series, and TA19 Series.
  • Medium Load Electrical Actuators – TA2-P Series, TA12 Series, TA19 Series.
  • Heavy Duty Electric Actuators – TA1 Series, TA3 Series, TA5 Series, TA6 Series, and TA18 Series.

Each of these options boasts quality workmanship and ACS compliance, providing our clients with the assurance they need. They’re also each unique, offering values for home and the office. Allow our team to explain these benefits.

We understand that clients may experience confusion when viewing electrical options. This confusion is why we’re always available to provide suggestions – helping homeowners, commercial operators, and industry machinists to understand which systems most reflect their goals. We stress the need for custom solutions and we always strive to offer individuals the support and service they require.

To learn more contact TecHome today by phone (1-800-773-139) or by fax (61-07-3297-9737).